Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Google +

So far I found two annoying things on Google+

1. Circling annoys hell out of me:

Anyone can add me in their circle and I will show up when someone else looks at their profile. -> This freaks me out effectively.
I have been trying to figure out how to prevent this from happening.  I will add this on this posting soon as I figure that out.

2. Photo Sharing:

I have a handful of Google+ friends and I did not know if I could see all of their pictures they have ever put on Google service. With my blurry vision, I was not able to see what on earth those were (thumb nails on my 11" laptop). So I randomly clicked a random picture (looked like sky + a red dot) without thinking. It was my colleague/friend's wife in the picture (I guess - sky was ocean and the red dot was her!!) and she was wearing a swim suit!!! And there was a pop-up window that made me go mad saying "Your photo preference has been saved." What the?????? So... all of a sudden my photo preference became looking at my friend's wife's pictures????? I got out of Google+ in less than a second feeling sabotaged...

Ugh... BTW I am writing on Google Blog right at this moment.



  1. How does one get out of the (Google) circle of life? it seems impossible, doesn't it???

  2. Yes, it really does seem impossible to get out of using Google. Even without Google plus, we still use Google for searching, blogging, creating documents, looking up directions, subscribing to RSS feeds, and more!
