Thursday, March 22, 2012

Google Plus Circle Management

As Google+ Circles were so annoying, I did some experiments and research to find out a couple of ways to minimize the exposure. If one wants the highest publicity and wants to be included in other circles, this post many help you do the opposite. lol (so, please do the opposite)

Limit Visibility of the Circles You Are in:

1. Go to this page: (login required)
2. Find the following section and set the visibility:
(The following screen-shot shows google+ default setting)

Limit Shared Content:

1. Go to this page:  (login required)
2. Find the following section and decide which circle(s) can share your postings:
(The following screen-shot shows google+ default setting)

 Also Edit "Photos" section on the same page:
(The following screen-shot shows google+ default setting) 

These findings look not that much information, but it took quite a while to find the locations! 
Hope this will help.
I also sent a feedback to google wondering if there is anyway to prevent other people from adding  myself into their circles. I will update here if I hear anything from them.

Hope this helps! :)