Thursday, April 5, 2012

Your Sleep Cycle Info in the Cloud?

I ran into a very interesting article. The article introduced me new devices that (supposedly) help promote the users health. Here are the devices:

1. Nike + Application on iPhone: a software-hardware combo that lives on your iPod or iPhone and collects information about your running history.

Besides helping you build a detailed database of your progress, the program has a major social component, letting you challenge your friends and boast of your achievements in recurring and somewhat annoying Facebook posts.

2. SleepTracker watch:  a smart alarm. The idea is that you set a time to be woken up.

The watch collects your sleep data and then wakes you up at whatever point in that window it senses you’re not in the middle of a deep sleep cycle.

Presumably, because when you’re not woken out of the most restful period of sleep, you wake up more refreshed.

3.  MOTOACTV from Motorola: a kind of Nike+ for multiple exercises. It lets you quickly generate fitness goals for walking, running, cycling, elliptical or step-machine workouts.

An individual can download post-workout data from Motorola on-line hub. That data includes detailed maps showing exactly where you’ve just been running/walking/cycling, coupled with charts showing your rate distance/calories burned/pace.

They all sounds very decent and convenient devices to have around. However, having all the data in their cloud-based server??? I am not sure if that would be the best way to store all "my" data, which the service provider may claim as "their"data.

We need to think about "information ownership."  While all these cool tools are released in competition, the idea behind it usually is these tools need the user information to be operated. 

There is a law professor, Chris Reed, who talked about this. I will talk about his points next week. :)
However, if you can't wait, please feel free to take a look at his slides:


  1. I actually heard about an app recently that claims to track your REM sleep and wake you up at the best possible time within 20 minutes of when you set it, so that you will feel most refreshed. I highly doubt that it really works (although I havent tried), but I dont know that I'd mind if my sleep patterns were in the cloud somewhere!

    1. right? i am a short sleeper so I am willing to try this for deeper and better sleep, but if only when my information is not stored in their cloud database... :)

  2. I've actually used the sleep tracker on iphone ap. I don't think it works!!!! I wonder, though, who really cares about all of this???

    1. I do!! I have insomnia!! lol I found this while searching for some help. If only the information doesn't go to the company's data base, I will def buy one. :)
